Last week we held our 4th annual Witches Night Out at Avery Lodge! This is a great social event that we hold for those ladies that are near and dear to the hearts of our members.

This year our Worshipful Master, Jack Weber and his Lady Nichole were the hosts and did an excellent job to provide a night of fun and friendship for all those who attended!
This year we had a number of games, trivia, and a costume contest for those who wished to participate. Gifts for the ladies were put together by Taryn Mayer. We were also graced by the attendance of several members of our Eastern Star family, Level Chapter 109.
For those who are considering joining Avery Lodge – at Avery we love to include family at our events any time we can. Witches Night Out began as a way for the men of Avery to take one night out to serve the ladies. Food and beverages are free, games are provided for entertainment, and prizes are drawn for those in attendance. This is just one of many family events that Avery holds every year as its important to spend time with our families.